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The picture is of the project class for October 2016 - it has a 26 page chart with five crackers. You can stitch the crackers as per the chart or personalize your crackers.  There are six different center borders, nine different side borders and nine different stitches to choose for the top and bottom of the center.  This chart includes a lot of color pictures and diagrams. One of the best charts I have worked with.


Models will be at our Summer Stitch-Ins on 6/16, 7/21 and 8/18 for members to see.  Also, if you only want to stitch one cracker the threads for the crackers are given individually, plus a thread list for all the crackers. Once you sign up you will receive all the thread lists so you can choose.


At the November 17th meeting we will show you how to finish your cracker using wire ribbon (a piece of cake).  I will provide enough ribbon to finish one cracker.


Please let Alice or La Verne know that you would like to take the class.